Sunday, November 22, 2009

So Many Books...

I'm not entirely sure of the exact number, but there are around several thousand books in our house. They are in almost every room and are all on shelves...mostly. There are a few stray stacks here and there, but for the most part they are resting on shelves and organized by subject, author and title. And even with that system I still manage to bring in a duplicate once in a while. 

I have read and collected books my whole life and continue to add to my collection weekly, if not daily. Along the way, I have learned a lot about care and organization of books, mostly from having run a used bookstore with my husband for seven years.

I just reorganized my cookbooks and it's so nice that they are now on shelves and not in stacks on the floor in the corner of the living room. My goal was to sort through them and get rid of enough so they would fit onto the three shelves of the small bookcase. Success! ...Almost. I have three books that don't fit that I absolutely can't part with and I just keep moving them from one horizontal surface to another. I did manage to get rid of about twenty cookbooks, however. When I realized I had twelve vegan cookbooks, I knew some could go. I mean, really, who has twelve VEGAN cookbooks?

Thanks for visiting my blog! Happy reading :)

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